Real-World Multiple Myeloma Data

Access the most complete Multiple Myeloma real world data populations. Our database is updated regularly,
allowing users to unlock the most relevant applications o# real world Multiple Myeloma data:

  • Research and Development
  • Drug Commercialization
  • Post Approval
  • Commercial Strategy

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Why Use Real-World Data?

At COTA, we curate regulatory grade oncology RWD with the most relevance for our life sciences and provider partners, whether that involves supporting regulatory filings or research questions. We cannot unlock the full value of RWD without the highest-quality collection and curation methodology, and we are powering a revolution in the development of new cancer therapies to bring clarity to cancer care.


COTA manages the entire lifecycle of data, from the initial abstraction of raw data to the final delivery of curated real-world data (RWD). We ensure complete traceability of our data, detailing its origins, the transformations it undergoes, and the quality assurance checks it passes through. Additionally, our process supports full auditability by regulators and other stakeholders, maintaining transparency and accountability at every step.


Our process accurately identifies the appropriate cohorts by applying specific inclusion and exclusion criteria to ensure the right volumes. This approach guarantees representativeness across both real-world and clinical trial populations. Additionally, our coverage spans across various geographies of interest, ensuring comprehensive data collection and relevance in diverse settings.


Our methodology ensures a faithful representation of the original clinical data documented in electronic health records (EHR). We utilize technology-enhanced human abstraction to accurately understand and capture clinical nuances. The accuracy of our data capture is further guaranteed by a documented, multi-step quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) process.

Real-World Multiple Myeloma Data


Robust data curation starts with good data sources from a mix of academic and community settings


COTA’s data model in not only driven by clinical relevance and medical expertise but also built for flexible analyses


A hybrid abstraction approach ensures capture of all clinically relevant structured and unstructured data

DATA Quality

QA across three primary junctions in the data pipeline to ensure data quality


Why Use Real-World Data?

We have a responsibility to drive the use of RWD by consistently improving our data and demonstrating its utility. Our data has been used to support FDA and EMA submissions, explain care patterns, understand patient outcomes, and much more – and we anticipate the number of use cases to multiply in the coming years as RWD is explored and leveraged by more and more innovators in the industry.

Interested in learning more about how we can transform cancer care together?